6 Sept 2011

Even Sarfer and East-er


If you are lucky enough to live in Brighton (me and Jas used to! Goodtimes...) then you can go and have a look and a stroke and a buy of our stuff at the coolest T shirt store on the planet, Boy Parker. I dropped off some jumpers on Sunday and there was a crane T right out in front! A proud moment.


2 Sept 2011

Sarf East


If you live near me or Jasper (in London SE21, SE22 or SE23) you might get an SE Magazine regularly plopping onto your door mat. Get ready to get excited - we are in this month's issue! Check out the shopping guide (p. 28 in SE21) or look online here.


19 Aug 2011

The Sky's the Limit

Hullo y'all

I hope you managed to grab some splendid bargains in our square root SquareThursday sale. Follow us on Twitter @squarethursday to be the first to know when the next one happens.

One of our most popular designs is our cloud T shirt (available in three gorgeous colours!) and today I have searched the skies for stuff and things that might complement this celestial garment.

Sky Planter

Turn your world upside-down by growing plants on your ceiling! I still can't quite believe that it works but presumably it does. And they look brilliant.


Save up your pennies and take a hot air balloon flight. Gentle drifting, panoramic views and perfect camouflage thanks to your SquareThursday T shirt!

Pimp Yo Fingers

I found these beauties on Etsy. Handpainted and not resembling scary talons; I reckon they are the tasteful and cute face of fake nails.

As Comfy as a Cloud

These cushions look delightful. Lovely patterns and they're made of lambswool and merino so surely as soft as clouds look from an aeroplane window.

Cumuli Lobes

There is a lot of cloud jewellery out there, but why not get these earrings from the FRICKING CLOUD APPRECIATION SOCIETY! I have only just discovered that this exists - how lovely.


11 Aug 2011

We are having a sale!

Hello all,

As the country is in the grips of chaos and looting we thought we should bring you some good news: SQUARETHURSDAY ARE HAVING A SALE! Its a deal, its a steal its the sale of the fucking century. Well maybe not quite that good but we have deducted the square root of all full price garments and the sale will run from Thursday 11th to Thursday 18th. In case the subtlety of our branding gimmick escaped you: SQUARE root sale, starts on a THURSDAY see! Get it?! Gosh I don't know how we come up with this level of genius sometimes.

In addition we have uploaded new shiny photos of all our products so you can see how they might look on your body (and if you had a face like various animals.) Here are some of my personal favorites:

Click here to check out the rest of our new pics and our awesome sale.


16 Jul 2011


As of this weekend, our wolf shirts are now in stock! Head to SquareThursday to get your hands on them. To celebrate, I thought I would seek out some other lupine items that might tickle your fancy and complement your new shirt, should you choose to buy one.

Pretend you're a more stylish version of Bernard by carrying this vintage pocket watch:

Avoid stuffing landfill sites with disposable cups and scare your fellow commuters with this travel coffee mug:

Impress/unnerve your friends by affixing a recycled wolf's head sculpture to your living room wall:

Prevent your trousers from falling down using this gorgeous vintage belt:

Or just sit back, relax and let David Bowie's enchanting voice tell you the tale of Peter and the Wolf:


5 Jul 2011

Paper Folding Fun

SquareThursday has two - TWO! - designs inspired by origami.

So far this year I have folded over 300 paper aeroplanes and one crane. Try it, it's splendid fun. This site has lots of origami projects for beginners and the instructions can be seen as an animation so it is real easy.

Here are links to a fox and a crane, so you can fold one to match your T shirt:



29 Jun 2011


Summer's back!
And by that I mean that in south London (where SquareThursday mostly hangs out) we have had a few hot days this week. As well as a massive thunder storm. And rain.
But yeah, summer!
Of course the best thing to wear to echo the bright weather and show off your guns is a super T shirt from SquareThursday, but here are some other things you might need:

1. Sunglasses

These are not only the internationally recognised symbol of cool but they protect your lovely retinas from evil UV rays. Why not try these from Capital? They are made of wood - yes, wood! Wood from renewable sources in the USA, where the sunnies are all handmade. Lovely.

2. Swimming

A refreshing dip in some sort of outdoor body of water is absolutely marvelous on a hot day. We are lucky in London to have a wealth of lidos to sample and my local one is in Brockwell Park. Get your money's worth by spending all day there - lay in the sun, do a sudoku, maybe have a cheeky glass of champagne. For extra summer joy, why not cycle to the pool and work up a bit of a sweat in order to best appreciate the often murderously cold water?
If you don't have an outdoor pool where you live, find your nearest wild and wonderful swimming location on this map from the Outdoor Swimming Society.

3. Picnics

Enjoy some al fresco dining but say NO to disposable plastic rubbish. Pick yourself up a delightful vintage picnic basket like this one:

or this one:

and if it doesn't come fully equipped get some compostable palm leaf plates.

Have fun, and don't forget to wear (organic) sun cream!


9 Jun 2011

Graduate Fashion Week

So being part of the fashion world elite I got given some tickets to go and peruse what the latest crop of fashion graduates had to offer. These are some of the collections from Birmingham City University:

Above: Lorna Jane Bilsborrow 

Above: Katie Urban
Above: Sean Denham

Above: Rachel Cogley, below Paris Hawkins-Carr (such an appropriate name!)

In a crufts style fashion my best in show has to be Isla Skelton, because her stuff is just plain awesome. Plus there's clouds and shiny things and the best use of a bathroom toy as a hat I think I've ever seen. you can see more of her here.




9 May 2011

The times they are a-changin

Hello loyal fans

From the end of this month onwards SquareThursday garms will be all shiny and organically screenprinted. This is exciting news indeed. We will of course bombard you with notifications in all forms as soon as they are available to buy from the site.
In the meantime, the very last of our hand-stencilled T shirts and sweatshirts are being listed on Etsy. Keep checking back, I'll be adding them over the next week. It's your LAST CHANCE to get get something hand painted by Jasper and myself. Also you can see these juicy shots of us modelling them:



2 Apr 2011

Union chic

Both Jasper and I attended the TUC-organised March for the Alternative in London last Saturday. It was amazing how many people came together to challenge what the coalition government are planning to do to this country.
But what to wear to such an event? Luckily, a clothing label you might have heard of - SquareThursday - make the perfect T shirt. Here I am about to set off:

Thanks to my Dad for the kind of acceptable photography skillz. Also to my head for looking crap.

A close up of the badges (I was kicking it old skool):


1 Apr 2011

Celebrity travels

Fun news guys: We sent Lily Cole to India to make a video at the factory where our shirts are made.

Well, we didn't exactly have anything to do with it but it is still interesting to see footage of our garms being born.

Have a look here.


8 Mar 2011

Fairtrade Fashion Fun

 Eco fashion news/controversy (slightly late to the party)

Livia Firth set herself the admirable challenge of completing the awards season wearing only fairly traded garms and bling. As Colin was up for absolutely every prize on offer this was a tricky task but she managed it. It all culminated in this Oscar dress:

which was made by designer Gary Harvey from ELEVEN vintage dresses. As eco statements go, this doesn't seem quite right, especially as the frocks were all from 'the era of The King's Speech' and so propa vintage from the 30s and everything. The Vintage Mafia were outraged, but a contact at the shop where they were sourced has assured aghast fashion historians that all of the dresses were damaged or irrevocably stained.
What do you think?. Was this a waste? Or a good use of rescued, neglected clothes?

I think this sends a somewhat confusing message about sustainable fashion, but I always believe that everyone should at least make an effort and do the best they can do. It's great that Livia took the opportunity of being in a very high profile position to draw attention to ethical issues and it's especially brillz that she wore fairly traded jewellery.

Perhaps Jasper and I should cut up eleven of our shirts and make a lovely frock...


ps. It's my birthday today! Woot!

5 Mar 2011

Old Nun's Head

Today we were part of a new mini-market at The Old Nun's Head pub in (obv) Nunhead.
There were some lovely people there selling some brilliant stuff.
This was the first time it's been on, but they are planning on having it on the first Saturday of every month- and spilling out onto the green in the summer. I you are a (totally awesome) Sarf London local, do pop over and check it out sometime. We may well be there again.

We passed on some market/marketing tips and ideas that we have picked up from doing lots of different events. I know I have always been grateful to old hands who have gifted us their wisdom and it feels lovely to do the same!

Did you know the pub got its name because the mother superior of the nunnery which once stood there resisted Henry VIII's expulsion order and they stuck her head on a spike on the green? Nice.

Bonus: We found a cat basket on the street on the way home and we had a piece of string just long enough to strap it to my bike. Now I just need a cat...


10 Feb 2011

Marketeers survival guide:

Over here at SquareThursday, we are such veterans of the market trading experience we thought we should impart some top tips, hints and words of wisdom should you ever find yourself in the position of selling your wares on a stall.

1)Stay warm. 

Particularly in winter layers are your friend. Lots of jumpers, coats, long johns, GLOVES, scarves, hats, hoods, vests, blankets, pillows, hell bring a duvet. Also wear as many pairs of socks as will fit in your shoes. Wear warm shoes. Also bring some kind of cardboard/newspaper/carpet scrap to stand on. This will stop the cold from creeping from the street and into your feet. Tramps have been doing this for years and they defo know how to stay warm. (If you must resort to drinking out of coldness/boredom aim to do it a bit later on, afternoon drunk is charming, morning drunk is frowned upon.)

2) Ignore the customer!

They may always be right but they are also timid. British people are a bit like kittens, inquisitive but easily spooked. I know everyone likes to invisage the quaint cockney stall holder ranting and hustling but unless you are some kind off mind control agent, (or a gab gifted cockaneeey) best to not speak unless spoken too.

3) "I'll be back... honest."

These are the words you never want to hear a customer say. 8.35 times out of ten, they wont be. Even if they have every intention of coming back any number of things could happen. They could be struck by lightning, abducted by aliens/ex-lovers, or have to hurry home because they worked out the answer to 7 down in the Guardian crossword from the day before and everything else faded into insignificance. Variations of the 'I'll be back' include: 'I'm going to think about it', 'I need to ask my spouse', and worst of all 'I'm going to go straight to a cash point.'  

4)Be prepared. 

A trading day can feel long as. Bring lots of snacks & some form of entertainment. This can be a: book, game, puzzle, craft activity, laptop or if your lucky a friend.

5) Speaking of friends...

Friends are great. If your as lucky as we are and have such wonderful, generous (and did i mention good-looking?) friends, they will come and keep you company, bring you treats, warmth and even buy your stuff. Even if they don't actually buy anything, friends are useful for posing as potential customers, this makes real customers feel less threatened & more likely to approach you!

Don't you just love friends?
