2 Apr 2011

Union chic

Both Jasper and I attended the TUC-organised March for the Alternative in London last Saturday. It was amazing how many people came together to challenge what the coalition government are planning to do to this country.
But what to wear to such an event? Luckily, a clothing label you might have heard of - SquareThursday - make the perfect T shirt. Here I am about to set off:

Thanks to my Dad for the kind of acceptable photography skillz. Also to my head for looking crap.

A close up of the badges (I was kicking it old skool):


1 Apr 2011

Celebrity travels

Fun news guys: We sent Lily Cole to India to make a video at the factory where our shirts are made.

Well, we didn't exactly have anything to do with it but it is still interesting to see footage of our garms being born.

Have a look here.
